Module hermes :: Class Preferences
[frames | no frames]

Class Preferences

Preferences data for this BBS and external. The Preferences properties object holds the BBS' preferences and default color settings. The latter is used to initialize the default Style objects described in the hermes module.

Externals may use the data property to store preferences information. The values stored here should be preferences-related (number of plays per day, number of lives per play, etc.) and should not be changed by the external. The data stored here is used by the SysOp to customize the behavior of your external on their BBS. Global data about the external (high-score tables and the like) should be stored in the BBS object by way of the bbs global property.

This object cannot be constructed and is instead made available in the hermes module as a global variable with the name prefs.

Note: There are a number of other BBS preferences accessible from this object, but they have not yet been documented.

Method Summary
Do not construct this object; used the prefs global variable in the hermes module to access the Preferences properties.

Instance Variable Summary
    External Data
ExternalData data: Preferences for this external.
    BBS Preferences
boolean closedSystem: True if this is a closed BBS (requires a new user password to create an account), False if anyone can create an account.

Method Details


Do not construct this object; used the prefs global variable in the hermes module to access the Preferences properties.

Instance Variable Details


Preferences for this external.


True if this is a closed BBS (requires a new user password to create an account), False if anyone can create an account.

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Mon Mar 27 20:48:39 2006