Module hermes :: Class Style
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Class Style

ANSI style object. Style is used to store the ANSI attributes pertaining to a single text style used in the BBS or external. By definining styles in terms of an intermediary object (rather than outputting ANSI escape sequences directly), the Hermes API runtime is able to make certain optimizations and decisions about the text it is sending to the user. For example, if a user does not support ANSI text, the Style object will silently discard the style change commands when it writes the text to the user's screen.

Each style is contains the following attributes:

The attributes are defined as constants in the hermes module.

To construct a new Style object, initialize it with the desired attributes. For example, to define a style with blinking green text on a black background, the following constructor would be used:
>>> flashingGreen = Style(fgGreen, bgBlack, attrBlinking)
The style parameters can be passed to the Style constructor in any order. The following styles are identical:
>>> a = Style(fgGreen, bgBlack)
>>> b = Style(bgBlack, fgGreen)
>>> a == b
Once a Style object has been created, the easiest way to use it is to call it like a function with the text you wish to style:
>>> redText = Style(fgRed, bgBlack)
>>> redText('Warning: Something must be done!')
'\x1B[31;40mSomething must be done!\x1B[0m'
The strings will only be stylized if the user supports ANSI. If the user does not support ANSI, then the string will appear in its original form (for this example, assume that user.hasANSI is False):
>>> redText = Style(fgRed, bgBlack)
>>> redText('Warning: Something must be done!')
'Something must be done!'
If a certain style will only be used once, for a single piece of text, it can be constructed and used inline:
>>> Style(fgYellow, bgBlack)('Yellow text')
'\x1B[33;40mYellow text\x1B[0m'
This usage of the Style class results in a Style object being constructed every time the string is displayed. Not only is this inefficient, but it makes it hard to re-style your external (you have to track down all of these temporary Style commands and change them). It is much better to define all of your common Styles as global constants in one place in your external.
Method Summary
  __init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
  __call__(self, *args, **kwargs)
  __eq__(self, other)
  init(self, *args)

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Mon Mar 27 20:48:39 2006